Whether you're a first-time home buyer or just need mortgage advice, we can help.
No two households' financial needs are the same. You can trust that New Ross Credit Union is going to give you honest advice tailored to your specific financial situation. You will walk away with a plan to get you on the right path toward managing your mortgage and savings goals for the future.
Check out our helpful mortgage calculator to determine how much you can borrow, estimate your mortgage payment, compare scenarios, and to see which mortgage product is right for you.
Buying your first home? Check out our Guide to Homebuying for information designed specifically for you.
For homeownership tips and advice, check out our mortgage articles on honestmoney.ca.
For honest advice when it comes to buying a home, book an appointment with one of our mortgage experts by contacting:
Nancy Dempsey (902)689-2054 ndempsey@newrosscreditunion.ca
Apply now using our online application
You're thinking about home financing! We're thinking about you!
Contact us today for details
No obligation, no strings. Just sound advice from our financial professionals who are focused on you and your financing needs.
Expert Articles
Whether you're just getting started or are fully immersed in the pursuit of home financing information, please visit the numerous articles on honestmoney.ca, which may help you educate yourself on programs, expert tips and go-forward strategies that will serve you well on your home-ownership journey.
What do automated teller machines, consumer loans, daily interest savings accounts and electronic payment cards have in common with weekly mortgage payments? These financial services, which are today considered industry standards, were all pioneered by credit unions.
Purchasing a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make in your life. Choosing a mortgage is as important as choosing the house. When making your choice, you owe it to yourself to really look at the advantages and long-term cost benefits of a New Ross Credit Union mortgage. If you are buying your first home, renovating or simply renewing your existing mortgage, our mortgage specialists can work out the "home economics" of it all. Your financial needs are our concern and we will provide sound advice and recommend financial terms that will help you build a solid, comfortable future.
With a New Ross Credit Union mortgage you have flexibility and choice. Our mortgages are designed to meet your needs and our knowledgeable, friendly staff will guide you through the mortgage process.
- Competitive interest rates
- Pre-approvals
- Affordable mortgage insurance, including; life, disability, critical illness and loss of employment insurance
- Flexible and convenient repayment schedules
- Flexible terms - renewals periods from 6 months to 5 years
- Amortization up to 25 years
- Automatic transfers from your New Ross Credit Union chequing or saving account or Automatic Funds Transfer (AFT) from another financial institution
- Monthly statements
- No application fee
- Property taxes can be combined with your mortgage payment and paid by New Ross Credit Union on your behalf
- Financing up to 95% loan to value (LTV) with Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) insurance
We can how you how to obtain a manageable mortgage that gives you the peace of mind knowing that your home or renovations are affordable. Speak with us before you buy!