Contact Us

Please note that our branches will be closed on Friday, March 29, 2024.
General Manager: Michael G. Wilcox
Website: www.newrosscreditunion.ca
General Email: nrinfo@newrosscreditunion.ca
Transit and Branch: 42903-839
Credit Union Number: 290
Address: 56 Forties Rd
PO Box 32
New Ross, NS
B0J 2M0
Telephone : 902-689-2949
Fax : 902-689-2597
Hours : Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Address: 50 Highway 12
PO Box 69
Chester Basin, NS
B0J 1K0
Telephone : 902-275-3509
Fax : 902-275-2590
Hours : Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Teleservice: 1-800-963-4848 Credit Union Number: 290
MemberDirect Online Banking: For assistance, please call 1-888-CREDIT-U (273-3488) or email techsupport@sonomaservices.com.
We are committed to ensuring the financial well-being of our members and developing long-term relationships is the foundation of our commitment to delivering high-quality service to our members, and to the general public. It is important that you are happy with the service we provide; however, we recognize that things can sometimes go wrong. If any aspect of your credit union experience concerns you, we encourage you to follow these steps:
1. If you are dissatisfied with the service offered by a staff member, please speak to that person's supervisor;
2. If this is not appropriate, or the resolution is not satisfactory, please escalate your concern to our General Manager;
3. If you still feel that your concern has not been appropriately dealth with, you may choose to take your complaint forward to the third party Credit Union Ombudsperson.
The Ombudsperson seeks satisfactory resolution of complaints with a view to fairness and does not advocate for either the complaintant or the credit union when investigating disputes. This service is free of charge to the complaintant, however, there is no provision for the award of costs for solicitors or other professionals and recommendations are not binding on credit unions.
Learn More Complaint Form