Equity Shares
At New Ross Credit Union you're a customer and an owner. Equity Shares represent your ownership in New Ross Credit Union and form part of your own personal wealth. The purchase of equity shares is reflected in an equity share account that is held in your name and appears on your regular statement. The shares you purchase to become an owner of New Ross Credit Union are refundable if you should choose to close your accounts and withdraw ownership.
Ownership is the Credit Union difference! Being a customer and owner of New Ross Credit Union creates a better relationship for you, ensuring that your needs always come first and giving you the power to take ownership of your financial future and have a voice in the future of your Credit Union and your community.
New Ross Credit Union operates based on the Co-operative Principles, including:
Open and Voluntary Ownership
- Open to any resident, organization, or corporation of Canada;
- $100.00 (20 Shares) maintained in Equity Share account;
- All voting owners are equal in share requirement;
- Shares are refundable upon ownership cancellation.
Democratic Control
- One owner, one vote at Annual General Meeting;
- Cooperative financial institution owned and operated by owners;
Service to Owners
- Personal service and attention provided by trained, knowledgeable and professional employees;
- TeleService, MemberDirect® Online Banking and ATM access available for owner convenience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
- 2 branch locations;
- Free parking and handicap accessibility at both locations.
Social Responsibility
- Ethical standards and responsible actions on human issues, social justice, environmental concerns, and privacy legislation.
For more information go to www.ownershipisbetter.com.