Receiving an e-Transfer
Receiving An e-Transfer
Money received by an INTERAC® e-transfer will be deposited directly into your New Ross Credit Union account. When you recieve the email telling you that you have an e-Transfer, you will have to complete the following steps to receive it:
- Click the link in the email; you will be directed to a website operated by a subsidiary of Interac®, called Certapay
- Follow the instructions provided on Certapay and select "New Ross Credit Union"
- Follow the instructions on Certapay to login to MemberDirect Online Banking
- Once you log in to MemberDirect you will need to answer the security question, indicated during the recipient setup, to continue
- Select the New Ross Credit Union account to which you want to deposit the funds
® Trademark of INTERAC Inc. Used under license
* There is a service fee of $2.50 to send or receive an e-Transfer.
** Processing time is dependent on internet service and financial institution connectivity.